Word High July: Dalisay


Down the peaks of snowy hill

Smooth meandering pebbles fill

The rustle of babbling watery roar

Flowed the stream white and pure


And moss like carpets across spread

Herbal saplings along it bred

Carrying the powers to heal and cure

Flowed the stream white and pure.


-r prab


(Footnotes: The reminiscence of this scenery comes from a trip to the foothills of the Himalayas, which my elder brother took me to. The clear stream that emerged from the melting glaciers upstream, came flowing at the foothills with all its purity still intact. My brother informed me that the water of the stream had medicinal values too as it had several herbal plants along its way. We filled our water bottles from that stream. It surely was pure and cold and refreshing! )

(Source of above image : Mountain Stream )

In response to Word-High July: 30 Beautiful Filipino Words: Dalisay



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