Weekend Exploration: Libraries

I had a day full of travelling today. As I have come to a new city and have gradually found myself settling down with the new job and new shelter, today I felt I am ready to start for the next milestone- find a library here, for my weekend hangouts.

Thanks to my brand new smartphone, the first smartphone for me, I bought for myself last week (My elder brother helped me get the best one within my budget), which helped me use Google maps and go around wandering in the city.

I found three of them .The largest one was called ‘The City Central Library’. I decided to visit that one first.But upon reaching there I found it’s closed for restoration and will open in the first week of July. It was a disappointing start!

The second one was difficult to locate, as the Google navigation was showing me I had reached ‘The British Library’, although there was no such building anywhere around. I had to walk in random directions to figure out where it was located. This one was a good library! I walked across all the bookshelves and then gathered at the helpdesk about the membership rules.Finding it affordable I signed up immediately and got an Icard too.

I thought whether to explore the third library or not.But since I had time and I had already got the taste of exploration with my new device, I decided to go for it. The third one required me to walk considerably after getting down at the nearest bus stop. This library was called the ‘Mythical Society’. With such a fascinating name, it was alluring me a lot. When I reached there I found a colossal church-like structure. All the entrances were closed and some construction work was going on at the gate. There was no security guard or any associated personnel to whom I could inquire. Lastly, I checked for their number on their website (through my new smartphone, yes! )Β  and made a call. The person was kind enough to send me a guy who helped me get to the library.It was located on the backside of the building.

There I found lots of book on History, Science, Arts and Social Science.The librarian told me there was no fee to use the library services, though one could not borrow books. ‘You can come and read here’ he said. That was fine. Their collection of books was impressive. I was mostly attracted towards the Science section where I found some classical editions of famous Astronomy books. It was delightful and I spent quite a long time there.

I am glad I have found these places. All I want to do on a weekend is to travel, read andΒ  write. With such fine libraries now discovered, I am sure to have a good time during weekends, doing the three things I love to do!

Thank you for reading .I hope you all are also having a good time and doing the thing you wish to do during the awaited weekends! πŸ™‚

PS: Although I have got a smartphone now, I am still not very active in taking photographs.(Since last 5 years I had the basic Nokia phone.I admired it for the simple life it gave me and I used to rely on my laptop for all the other works) I hope I will form that habit soon. It’s only now when I am writing it here, I realize I should have taken pics. πŸ™‚


(Image not owned by me.Source: moroepl)

12 thoughts on “Weekend Exploration: Libraries

  1. Libraries have always been my favourite places to relax. What could be better than to be surrounded by books. I’ve been going to libraries since I was four-years-old. As for Smart phones, I’ve yet to try one out. They must be very useful for taking photos.I take a lot of photos nowadays, for all my posts, and I have a small camera and a tablet for taking them. A phone would be much more convenient. Pictures of your libraries and new city would have been nice to see. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh I’m so happy you are settling in and have found your libraries….yes that third library enticed me with their name too! Don’t worry you’ll be taking pictures all the time before you know it! When I first got my Smartphone I thought, oh I won’t even use half the apps on this phone, I just need it to make calls. Ha! I love all the apps offered and there are so many of them…most helpful in their own ways. You’ll be a pro at it in no time and then you can post lots of pics of your new home and surroundings!! Wishing you a delightful Sunday!! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thankyou Deb! Haha, yes I have the same feelings. My old phone was only used to call and SMS, now I am getting used to apps. WordPress app has been quite helpful. I read all the time now! Thank you for such a nice response! I had a lovely weekend, hope you too had a peaceful one! πŸ™‚

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